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Retour sur | 28 Juin 2023

The “FAITOUT”: a new co-working space in Lyon, dedicated to hospitality and food transition

On Tuesday, June 27th, SINGA Lyon and the BelleBouffe association celebrated the inauguration of their new co-working space dedicated to hospitality and food transition, named “Le FAITOUT.” This project comes to life in the former railway workers’ canteen at the SNCF workshops in La Mulatière, in the heart of the priority neighborhood of La Saulaie. With an area of 850 m2, this space opened its doors in July 2023 for a temporary occupancy of 5 years, providing a place for meetings and sharing.

A project co-built with residents and local stakeholders

In 2021, SINGA Lyon and BelleBouffe joined forces to create an innovative and inspiring place: Le FAITOUT. This co-working space dedicated to food justice and sustainable food embodies a model of a fair, democratic, and inclusive society. Located in the Lyon Metropolis, it is the result of co-construction with residents and local stakeholders from Oullins and La Mulatière. Together, they envisioned a space that reflects the concerns of the area and offers concrete solutions to address the inequalities faced by the residents of La Saulaie.

Its main objective is to promote greater social and food justice in the Lyon Metropolis by making healthy and sustainable food accessible to all, combating food insecurity, and promoting the use of local and quality products. In parallel, Le FAITOUT is committed to social and professional support for people in precarious situations by providing insertion programs and skills enhancement. It also encourages active participation from residents, associations, businesses, and institutions, fostering experimentation and collective innovation.

Le FAITOUT is a space to allow everyone to find their place Birgit Vynckier – Co-Director of SINGA Lyon

Over 400 people gathered for the inauguration of the co-working space

The inauguration of Le FAITOUT, which took place on Tuesday, June 27th, was a resounding success! Over 400 people came together to celebrate this event, including Bruno Bernard (President of the Lyon Metropolis), Véronique DECHAMPS (Mayor of La Mulatière), Thierry BAUCHET (Territorial Director of SNCF IMMOBILIER), Marie-Amandine Vermillon, and Birgit Vynckier (co-founders of Le FAITOUT), Mathilde Colin (President of BelleBouffe and administrator of Le FAITOUT), Anne-charlotte Duperray (administrator of SINGA LYON and Le FAITOUT), and Martin Cahen (co-founder of BelleBouffe, administrator of BelleBouffe and Le FAITOUT).

Partner associations, including VRAC, Janus France, l’ACSO, Les petits frères des pauvres, and Le Bateau Lavoir, were also present.

This evening was marked by a warm atmosphere and contagious enthusiasm! It created a sense of solidarity, exchange, and sharing, reflecting the values upheld by Le FAITOUT.

A big thank you to all the partners, volunteers, and contributors. Thanks to their commitment and generosity, Le FAITOUT is gradually becoming a welcoming and inspiring place for everyone. It currently offers a restaurant with reduced prices, a training kitchen for individuals in career transition, a co-working space for Social and Solidarity Economy associations, and private spaces for companies.

Le FAITOUT has already become a vibrant hub where people come together, collaborate, and share ideas. It’s a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives and the positive impact they can have on society. Congratulations to everyone involved in making Le FAITOUT a reality!


SINGA Lyon est une communauté locale de personnes ayant pour ambition de construire une société riche de ses diversités, où chacun, quelle que soit son origine, peut réaliser pleinement son potentiel.