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Retour sur | 15 Juin 2023

7 entrepreneurs from SINGA celebrate the end of their support program in a new shared workspace in Strasbourg!

On May 25th, after 6 months of support within the second cohort of the THSN by SINGA Strasbourg incubator, 7 project holders presented their projects: an afternoon filled with emotions, meetings, and discussions. A unique conclusion within a new space for social and solidarity economy in Strasbourg: the Kaleidoscoop.

A closing event as attended by Fatemeh Jailani, COO of SINGA Global, and many partners

On the 25th at 3 PM in the grand event hall of Kaleidoscoop in the Port du Rhin district, the entrepreneurs from the second promotion of the THSN by SINGA Strasbourg incubator prepared for the big moment. Backstage, they participated in a relaxation session organized by NOUR YOGA to be calm and composed before the grand presentation. Liliana Amundarain, Coordinator of the THSN By SINGA Strasbourg incubator, opened the event by introducing the relatively recent incubator, which had its first promotion launched the previous year.

Fatemeh Jailani kicked off the evening with a political and moving speech about Europe, migrations, and reception policies in our societies.

Various and innovative projects

One by one, the entrepreneurs pitched their projects in front of more than 50 people. They showcased what they had learned in the past 6 months, how their projects had evolved, and their plans for the future!

  • Maria presented Malena, her handmade flower-shaped candle manufacturing business. She crafts these unique candles at home and aims to sell them in designer boutiques, thrift shops, and online platforms
  • Ebadullah introduced Safran Afgan, the premium flavor project: an import and export venture of saffron from Afghanistan to France, showcasing one of the most luxurious and natural products from his country, driven by the desire to demonstrate the opportunities it offers.
  • Akbar presented “Integrate & Empower for a Better Future,” a non-profit NGO offering training to refugees to pass the German language test. He also intends to provide online courses to enable Afghan women to work from home and continue to benefit from education.
  • Smail introduced “réha-cana“, an innovative project for newcomers: non-invasive pipe lining. This technique aims to rehabilitate damaged pipelines without replacing them entirely, with the goal of promoting the inclusion of newcomers through work, prioritizing human values above all else.
  • Gabriel presented “Forevergreen” an organic agriculture project in Alsace. His vision is to create his own farm specializing in organic farming, organic market gardening, and livestock farming in the Alsace region.
  • Ibrahima introduced “DSpay” a money transfer platform to Guinea to address the difficulties faced by Guineans when sending money from France to their country. He aspires to expand his project globally in the future.
  • Abbey, a photographer and model, aims to work in partnership with a professional photographer and galleries to sell and exhibit her photos. Her project was born from the realization that some people suffer from prejudices and stereotypes about their own bodies. Through creativity and photography, she wants to change how people perceive their bodies.

The evening concluded with a cocktail buffet and a concert by “Las Baklavas,” a group of musicians and singers from Strasbourg with Balkan and Latin American sounds.

In this festive atmosphere, the audience applauded and saluted these wonderful projects that will soon come to life.

Entrepreneurs’ quotes:

The best moment for me was the opening day. SINGA was an exceptional experience for me. I received enough support to develop my project. I learned a lot, and I met many people who could help me in realizing my project. – Ebadullah

I joined SINGA to keep all the energy I have, not to lose my determination so that my project can come to life. – Gabriel

My experience at SINGA was joyful! – Maria

My experience was relative and interesting, both business and social. – Akbar

SINGA Strasbourg

L'incubateur THSN by SINGA Strasbourg souhaite construire une communauté régionale vouée à la coopération interculturelle par la création d’initiatives entrepreneuriales innovantes avec des nouveaux arrivants et des locaux.